How to place your order by purchase order?
We will purchase BigAnt standard version 100users license at $1489 as a guide. Totally 4 steps to go.
Step 1 Enter 100 in the Users box, you will get the online quote for the license fee at $1489, Click Buy Now go to the online order form.
Step 2 You will see the secure online order form below, please take a few minutes to fill out the required information.
Step 3 Select Purchase Order as your payment method. Click Place secure order button to continue.
Step 4
This is the last step of online order. Here you will get a unique order number (39FFV5C-ACHSFC in our example) which is need to be referenced on your purchase order when fax it to RegNow, credit references may be requested. Sales tax, processing fee and download service will charge extra fee.
If you need an invoice please click the Invoice hyperlink at the upper left corner.
Advantages of payment by purchase order.
You can contact to get your license immediately by providing your order number to shorten the wait time.