Edit My Contacts

You may want to add some of your frequent contacts to a list, instead of finding them from the organization structure each time. Here is how you can do that:

Find my contacts from Recent Messages

The system will automatically archive your recent conversations in Recent Messages. This is a quick way to find your recent contacts.

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel
  2. Click Contacts > Recent Messages
  3. Double click one record to open the chat window

Clear chat list

If you would like to clear all list, please follow this:

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel
  2. Mouse over the Contacts, click black triangle to call the menu
  3. Click ‘Clear chat list’ to empty list in recent messages
  4. You can also find ‘Clear chat list’ option by right click on the Recent Messages section.

Add My Contacts

Add people to My Contacts, and group them in different category, so you can always quickly locate target contact at hand.

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel
  2. Click Contacts > My Contacts
  3. Contacts you added will be displayed here

How to add people to my contacts

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel
  2. Expand department in Structure, and locate the member you are looking for
  3. Right click on the selected contact, and add to my contact category